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pet rat feces

21 17:35:54

i just bought a delightful baby rat. Problem is the frequent(malodorous) feces- it is almost impossible to hold/play with him due to the odor. Also, sometimes they are "pellets", other times soft and adhere to my clothing. PLease, please offer a solution. I would hate to have to return him because of this.


Hi Norma

Your little rat is just scared yet and this has been actually given a name by the rat lovers around the world. The soft offensive stools are known as "fear poop"!  I am serious. It has earned this title, since fear poop is  seen in rats that are in a new home, at the Vets, just have a fight with another cage mate, put in unfamiliar surroundings, during a time they find unpleasant such as during a bath, when being forced to be medicated etc....and last but not least, the scared new rat being held by a stranger they do not know and trust and they dont know if they have good intentions or what happens? Frequent malodorous squishy feces!!

It wont last much longer, I promise. Time will help remedy this situation along with proper diet. What type of diet is he on daily?