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rat- arrhytmia

21 17:43:30

QUESTION: Dear Sandra,
My pet rat,which is 1,5 years old was diagnosed with the heart arrhytmia.She's been taking the antibiotic Baytril for 5 months.Initially her condition was better, hovewer since last month the symptoms returned. The vet advised me to stop giving her antibiotic for a while. I am really concern, he did not try to apply a different medication. Would you advise me anything?I love my rat, and would like to help her as much as is possible.
Thank you very much

ANSWER: Hi Babriela

Why is she on baytirl?  Your rat needs something for her heart to slow it down. She can be given medications such as digoxin.

Is your vet an exotic vet?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Sandra
Thank you for your reply. He is a vet from the abbey clinic, and I don't think he is a exotic vet. The antibiotic Baytril was prescribed because she is also having the respiratory infection (red liquid from the nose and the eyes,wheeziness, the breathing problems).

I would let the vet know and mention treating his heart with digoxin.  If your vet is now aware of its use he can contact me for more information or you can reach me and relay the message.
This will slow his heart rate down and he will be so much more comfortable because he will be able to breathe easier.

I know this from experience with my rats, clinic rats and my own self because I have heart problems and have to treat it with digi. It makes my life alot more comfortable.