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Male Nuetering

21 17:37:02

I need advice on male neutering. I have a male rat that is aggressive, He hates other male rats except for one (his cage mate). He doesn't mind being around females. I also have two females in the cage with him (they are spayed) but he still seems aggressive and it is getting worse. I don't know his exact age but it is somewhere between 1 - 1 and a half years old. Would their be any point if seeing a neuter will calm him down a bit. Is their any other way to calm him down.


Okay, I don't want to sound mean but males and females should not be housed together. It causes emotional stress, and trust me, if you have not seen it yet, you will soon, and its stressful for you too!
Yes, I would neuter him, and separate him from the males and keep him with his cage mate an the females in separate cages.
Hope I helped!