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My favorite pet rat, Honey

21 17:23:56

 We hear so much good stuff about asparagus and what it can do for cancer in humans, can rats safely eat asparagus?  This is a VERY special rat.


Above is my web page on proper diet along with a list of foods rats should NOT have, foods they should have on occasion and foods that they can have all the time.  I do not know anything about asparagus,which is odd.  I know Brussel sprouts are a no go, so there are some things they should not have for very good reason. Example, Brussel sprouts contain an anti nutrient that destroys thiamine, raw sweet potato    contains cyanide-forming compounds and rhubarb contains   high levels of oxalates which bind up calcium.  There are alot of weird things that some foods can do to our rats that are harmful yet are beneficial to humans.  I think this is a great question and since I am one to say you learn something new every day, I plan on digging into this and finding out for the both of us as well as other folks that may want to know too.