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Young rats

21 17:49:24

I am animal health and welfare, one of the questions I have been asked is "how should you clean out the accommodation of a rat whose babies are only 4 days old?". Can you help with the answer?
many thanks

Mom should not mind if you move everyone around. In fact, the babies should be handled by now so they are properly socialized. Picking up the baby rats and checking for milk belly (the white band on their tummies to show they are being fed properly) and also stroking and petting the pups are an absolute must to be sure they are not scared of people. If you wait for their eyes to open it will be too late and they will be skittish.

Anyhow, about the cage cleaning: I would not use chemicals, just change the litter/bedding. Let mom stretch and walk around or the mom and pups can all stay in the cage and just remove all the litter and replace with new (NO PINE OR CEDAR of course!) Only white paper towels for mom to make a new  nesting area and the normal litter such as aspen or carefresh should be used. No newspapers unless it is certain the ink is soy ink only.  

Hope this helps!