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Porphyrin and squeaking

21 17:49:25

I have a 1 1/2 year old rat named rogue that recently seems to  be having some sort of health problem. First of all she's getting some porphyrin around her left eye and some discharge around the nose. Her behavior has changed somewhat also. Every time I pick her up (Since the porphyrin started to appear) she lets out a series of distressed squeaks. I'm sure I'm not being rough with her, and she has never done this before. On occassion, she'll be sitting in my lap and squeak without provocation. She has also never done this before. She seems less affectionate -- not lapping at my fingers or climbing all over me. Other than that, her appetite is normal and she seems as energenic as always.  

Hi Elizabeth

She may have something going on internally.  She needs to be seen by the vet so he can check her to rule out a possible mass internally.
What you can do for me now is an exam on her. Start by feeling under each front paw working down under her belly. See if she protests.

Has she been going to the bathroom ok?

Next thing I want to you have a vet for her and if not, I can  help find one for you.  Let me know, because she really should be seen if she is letting out those cries.