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Bubble feet or Ring worm?

21 17:10:29

How do you tell the difference between bubble feet and ringworm? My pet rat Hopey has open round sore on both hind feet. He tends to chew on it and causes to bleed. It does appear to have some swelling in affected area. Presently i am unemployed and can't afford vet. Please help i need advise.Thank you so much.

Check out my website, and refer to the page on swollen foot/bumblefoot.

Ring worm causes hair loss and round pink cirlces on the skin and is a fungal infection. Bumblfoot are ulcerated sores and bumps on the heels of the rats foot. Read my site to see the difference.

To treat it, keep the cage super clean and start with first soaking his feet in a solution such as an antibacterial soap laced - water and apply antibiotic ointment.  The key is a clean cage.

Let me know once you see the photos.