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Possible Zymbals Gland Tumour

21 17:02:38


I hope you can help me. We have an 18 month old male rat who developed a lump on the side of his face, just below his ear (in the spot where zymbal's gland tumour is found). We took him to the vet who thought it may be a tumour since it wasn't soft, but put him on Baytril just incase.
After about 2 weeks, we took him back to the vet when we noticed that the lump had a dark patch. The vet (a different one from the first) presumed it could be either a tumour or an abscess and gave me a few options; surgery, euthenasia or continue with the anti-biotics since his quality of life was still ok.
I opted for the anti-biotics, and that evening, the dark patch had broken open, forming a rather putrid smelling abscess at the very tip. The infection did not extend to the depth of the lump, only at the surface.
We cleaned it out to the best of our ability, but the swelling spread to below his jaw line, which caused another abscess in that area. We cleaned that out and - apart from looking a bit horrific - he seems to be a happy little guy. He can still eat - just less than before, and after the abscesses were cleaned, he was more active.
We spoke with the vet again, who advised us to continue the anti-biotics over the weekend (this was yesterday: Wed 2nd March).
I am still debating about this course of action for a few reasons; I don't know for sure that he's not in pain, and if the abscess is caused by Zymbals or any other form of cancer, then we are prolonging the inevitable, which isn't fair on him. Secondly, his jaw is becoming distorted, and his teeth and now misaligned. I don't know if an abscess (or two, in his case) could cause this, or if it is yet another sign of cancer.
I know the positioning of the lump indicates Zymbals, but the pictures (albiet limited) that I have seen on the internet, don't look like his abscess (although, maybe it is yet to come). He is also not showing any signs of inner ear infection (head tilt, swaying head) and he is not bleeding from the ear. Although, there is waxy pus in his ear canal.
Maybe I am just grasping at straws because I don't want to lose him. I also don't want to give up too soon, incase it is just a few abscesses which will heal in time and never come back.
Unfortunately, as you know, experienced vets (with rats/Zymbals) are few and far between.
I would be grateful for any advice that you can provide, as I feel that I just need a bit more advice before I make any decisions - and I want to be as sure as possible that I'm making the right decision.

Thank you in advance,


Hi Julie

I would never ever consider putting the rat down until he is ready...not eating is a sign they are not well and of course lethargy is another. Lack of interest in life in general is what to look for. Otherwise, leave him be.   This may be in fact from his molars rather than the zymbals gland. Has anyone taken films of his mouth and teeth?  I think perhaps I should help find another vet for you.  I know vet bills can add up but if you want, I would be glad to suggest another vet. Please go private and let me know the names of the vets your seeing now (confidential of course) I can check credentials on them as well, see if they are even worth taking your rat to see again.

let me know right away. sorry for the delay, I was in Ohio for a few days