Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Rat made odd noise

Rat made odd noise

21 17:45:35

QUESTION: This has only happened twice now. My mom and I were giving our rats their ringworm medication and one of the female rats started to make a guinea pig noise, at least that's the closest I could describe it.  She hasn't made the noise since, which was I think almost 2 weeks ago.  Today, one of the males started making the noise when I picked him up.  He knew he was getting his medication, so I thought maybe he was scared and made the noise in anticipation of the treatment.  They've made noises similar to this before, while playing.  They are healthy, so I don't know if its just another noise they make or if something is wrong. Oh, and when I put the male back in his bed, he only made the noise a couple times.

ANSWER: Its really hard to say without listening to their chest.  Sometimes mycoplasmosis starts as the snuffles and the sound you describe (guinea pig sound) is the way I usually describe it when my rats do that.

Rats should not make any noises other than squeaking or bruxing their teeth.  IF they sneeze and have the snuffles/sniffles with the guinea pig or monkey sound, I would let the vet know.  A few weeks on baytril and they should clear right up.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I have never heard any odd noises like wheezing in the chests.  Although they do sneeze occasionally, it's not real excessive.  Could she have had mycoplasmosis for a couple months without it getting any worse?  She does have occasional bursts of sneezing fits, which as been going on for a long time.  It doesn't happen very often, though.  The other one that did the guinea pig sounds I haven't heard sneeze.

Yes she can have myco for a year without it getting any worse esp if she has a strong immune system. I have a rat that I rescued last June. He was 18 months old, sneezed like crazy and had constant porphyrin around his nose and eyes for months. He stopped with the porphyrin but still sneezes and snuffles and even coughs yet nothing has come of it. I am always on edge ready to jump on it just in case but he never seems to get worse. He is now 2.5 years old and nothing has changed.  I keep a bottle of baytril handy just in case.