Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Is my pet rat sick?

Is my pet rat sick?

21 17:59:33

QUESTION: My pet rat sven is starting to orangish blotches all down his tail, and he is becoming a bit more docile now than he usually is. I was wondering if this means that he is sick in some way. He has always sneezed alot, but other than that has been fine. Does tail discoloration mean my rat is sick?
ANSWER: I'm sorry but my entire answer will hinge on how old your boy is. Can you provide that information for me?

:) thank you


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well, I got him in mid december. Im not sure how old he was then, but he definitely wasn't a baby. I would guess a month maybe.  

Yep, he's reached that age, 5 to 6 months old, when our more macho male rats can get what we have come to call "Buck Grease". These links will explain what this is
This orangy, waxy, oil is excreted because of Testosterone. It's harmless, albeit unsightly. Dawn dish detergent has been used to clean our boys as Dawn "cuts the grease". A bath every 2 months will keep the grease at bay.

At 5 to 6 months of age the male rat matures into a docile, cuddly, lap-rat. Again, nothing to worry about. Just enjoy the fact that he will now stay still for scritches behind the ears, and long patting sessions while you watch your movie.

If his docile nature is accompanied by other symptoms like heavy breathing, rapid weight loss, red goop around the eyes and nose, lack of appetite, limping, too much sleeping, etc., then that is cause for concern.
