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rat bedding and handling

21 17:47:05

I have a rat with the brown/red discharge and upon reading much info I don't think he is in any danger since he isn't really sneezing and his color is good. He just seems to expell it from his nose without a sneeze. Do you think corncob bedding is o.k. for him? I have cedar chips but I heard it may be bad for his respiratory system and it could burn his feet. Also he is in a 10 gallon tank with a lid. Should he be in something bigger?

Corn cob bedding is bad for him, very bad.  It can cause blockage in the intestines if he eats it and when wet it grows a terrible mold.

Aspen or carefresh should be used.

Also, tanks are not good either. He needs a roomy cage. The tank does not allow air circulation and the odor from the ammonia in their urine causes respiratory problems.  He should have a nice roomy cage with the bar spaced small so he cant escape.

Please also look over proper diet as well.  He also should have a cagemate. Rats are highly social and need to be with their own kind. He should be with another male.

Please look over my site.  It will help you learn about proper care for rats, from litter to housing and fun ideas for play time.  Also again, check out about diet. The seed mixes from the store are not good for rats ....rats need veggies, fruits and meats and whole grains, not seeds like birds.   Check it out., I think you may really enjoy it!

Start HERE:

Find about diets and other stuff on the side menu on the right hand side.  Tell me what ya think :)