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my poor rats leg

21 17:36:39

My sweetie rat is hurt i think, i am very worried. Today i woke up and went to play with him for a few minutes and when he was walking around on my bed he was not using his back left leg, he just seemed to be dragging it...i thought maybe he was just having trouble walking on the blanket so i put him back in the cage and noticed he was just dragging it around in there too. He surprisingly is walking perfectly fine and every now and then it seems that he is somewhat using it but not putting any pressure on it. When he was sitting ontop of his hut i noticed every now and then the leg he wasn't using was shaking or twitching around fast (almost like when they itch themselves but he was just doing it in the air) he has not been making any noises or being loud or squeaking to indicate pain or a problem. Also after seeing he was not using his leg in the cage i picked him up and held him and rubbed the leg gently to see if maybe he would squeak indicating a break or fracture, when i was rubbing the leg and moving it around gently he just sat there and looked at me, not indicating any type of pain. So I am wondering is he okay? maybe he just wants attention? or maybe he just doesn't want to use his leg?

please get back to me as soon as you can, im so worried. =[

thank you,

Hi Jesse

He probably stubbed his toes or twisted his leg. keep him calm for a day in a cage that is one level if possible so he doesnt have to climb or jump.  The less he moves it the better. He should be ok in a day, but if not, let me know.

hope this helps