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Blood by genitals

21 17:47:19

We've had a velveteen hairless for about three weeks.  When I got her, I exposed her to my other two rats. (I realize now that was wrong).  We bought her because one of the other rats looked lethargic and sickly and we were sure she was going to die.  She looked all caved in by her sides.  I ended up taking all three rats to the vet because I was hoping that I could save the sick one and I thought I better bring the other ones, just to make sure.  They couldn't figure out what was wrong but put all three of them on an antibiotic - to make the sick one got better and to prevent the other two from getting sick.  The same dosage was given to all of them (even though my little one is much smaller).  They've been done with the medicine for about a week.  The sick one is completely better but now the little one isn't doing well.  She has the same symptoms and she had some blood come from her genitals.  Could the antibiotic have done this to her?  I just fed her a bunch of yougart and tried to push food and drink on her.  Could you please help.

Hi Jean

I doubt the antibiotics had anything to do with genital bleeding but she could have a secondary infection which is causing a urinary tract infection. What antibiotic is she on now? It may not be the right one if she has a urinary tract infection which is one reason for bleeding in that area. Other reasons may be related to the uterus.
Sometimes rats can have porphyrin in their genital area. I never knew this until the past year and after doing a "sit in" for a class for small mammals I found that they indeed can secrete porphyrin from their genitals (it is found there to begin with so it does make sense) is the blood red or brownish red?