Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Swollen lymph nodes?

Swollen lymph nodes?

21 17:47:18

QUESTION: I have already asked Robin Bartlett and am very thankful for the help (link:
After using up all of my followups i thought id ask you because Robin wasnt sure what it was either.
Summary: 7 month old female rat, i am taking care of her atm (shes my sisters who is away for a week), she got the rat from her school, rat has been sneezing since i first saw it 2 weeks ago, 2 days ago her throat started to swell, now its bigger and it looks like 2 balls instead of being just one big one.
She is behaving normal, eating and drinking normally as well. Here is a picture:

She has been moved 3 times in past week, once to my appartment then to a friends appartment (she also has a 8 week old rat) and then back to my place again where she is now. I know its not ideal but i didnt have any choice.
Im no expert but my best guess from what ive read is that it could be swollen lymph nodes.
What would you say it is and would waiting until monday to go to a vet be very bad? Vet is open 1 hour tomorrow and not at all on sunday. Id also have to take the bus (at 8 am)..
Thanks in advance for any help

ANSWER: I would have to agree with Robin and say it could a number of things.

However, with the sneezing, I would have to say that she may have a virus which is called SDA. I will not say this is for sure however, since I have no hands on exam with her, but if so, she is contagious to other rats and can develop a secondary infection.  She needs something for inflammation and also antibiotics to keep a secondary infection away.   I would have to really feel the lump to know what it is though so it still may be an abscess or cyst of sorts ...I just dont like the fact she is sneezing.  Look at her eyes closely. Are the rims real red and sore looking? Any swelling around the eyes?

If you have could find a way to the vet sooner that would be good, but you cant, so Monday will have to work...and I am sure it will be OK till that time but I wouldnt wait past Monday.  You must be going to a vet that is educated on pet rats though or they may not realize what this may be and lead you the wrong direction which wont be good for the rattie.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Her eyes look normal from what i can tell, anything else i can do to narrow down the possibilities?

Below are a few links about SDA, the second link is a photo of a rat that has been diagnosed with SDA and has the swollen lymph node, that BULL FROG look they get.  

A few more things..have you looked at it super close and is there a crate, hole or scab on it at all? Is it moveable or smooshy or hard and attached?