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Follow up on Rufus, hairless rat with a possible cyst

21 17:22:14

Follow up regarding::

It would not allow me to follow up with an answer.
No the growth on Rufus has not decreased. It is still marble sized and looks to be a purplish discoloring, as if there is a big accumulation of blood. The scab has formed back over again, but will periodically ooze small amounts of blood.

He is still eating and has a massive appetite, drinking, using the bathroom in a manner that appears normal. The growth doesn't seem to bother him much, although I suspect it is itchy as he has been scratching it a bit more lately.

I can take new pictures if it helps. The appearance is the same for the most part, but it is about the size of a marble which is slightly bigger than before. To be honest, it looks like a pocket that is overfilled...much like abscesses look before being lanced (my cat is prone to them, so those I do know)...but instead of puss it appears to be filled with blood.

His personality hasn't changed. He is still a jerk to everyone but me (he's a mama's boy), so other than this growth which concerns me, everything else seems absolutely normal.

Thank you for getting a second opinion for me, and for all your time you've spent helping me. Please let me know if you would like new photos.

Jenn B

New photos would be good.....I have yet one more person I may ask, who may decline comment being he is a vet and doesnt like to make a diagnosis via a photo, although I tell him its an educated guess, nobody will hold him to his "opinion" its more like they worry about their license or something.

Anyhow, my friend who is a pathologist said this about your boy. She also is guessing without being able to examine him in person and had this to say:

" The hairless guy looks like he has a Keratoacanthoma also known as a "KA" (which is much easier to say.
I usually see them on hairless rats. Keeping them moist sometimes helps them to progress and rectify.

Other than that ... could be a cyst.... "


Bella is chief contributor to a great website, the rat guide. I did check out the link she gave me and it doesnt seem to really look like the same thing, but keep in mind they are not always text book either.  I was right when I said to try moist heat  and she also agrees it may just be a cyst which I am now leaning toward even more.  The good news is, its probably nothing to worry about. yes, a vet will want to remove it.  It would not be a bad idea to have a vet aspirate it and check the contents to see what it is, leaving you to decide if it stays or goes. Its always YOUR choice no matter what so always know this.

How long has he had this lump?  He is not losing weight, right?

If he has had it for a long time and is not losing weight, its probably not vascular leading me to again hold the thought that its a cyst.

Do you have a good vet? I cant remember from the other messages.  Also please refresh my memory about his age too.   I want to see more photos and also see his little cute face if you dont mind.
Send the photos directly to me at !  thanks