Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Disease?


21 17:22:15

My recent ex boyfriend Breeds rats. He told me His rats were clean with no disease. Well I caught him telling someone his rats have a disease and he keeps loosing some everyday. They have bitten him.. Far as I know he is not sick " as far as he knows too". They have not bitten me..I have played with one but I wash every time. I am not sure how clean my ex was. Could I catch a disease from my ex boyfriend If he had anything? Thanks

No, absolutely NOT.  There is no disease that the rats will give you or your ex and certainly nothing he can pass to you. There is no need to worry at all about this issue so dont make yourself a nervous wreck about it. I promise.

 I have no idea what your ex is talking about as far as his rats having a disease and he is losing them.  Rats do get sick, of course, just like people do. They can pass things to each other,  but not crossing the species.   His rats may have some type of respiratory infection that they are passing around to each other.

Maybe you can suggest he see a vet with them instead of losing them every day.  

The only thing your ex can transmit to you is human type diseases but it sure would not be from the rats.

Check out my website so you can understand more about rats and how safe and clean they are. They are cleaner than a dog or a cat and much cleaner than a childs hands that has been playing at a play ground.