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HELP!!!! Rat crisus!

21 17:54:45

QUESTION: I have 2 rats. They don't get much attention because the only place in the house they are allowed in is my room which is mess and is invaded by my sisters! My mom and step dad(especially my step dad) are afraid that they are afraid that they will leave poop all over the house. My rats want attention ssooooooo... bad. Especially after I came back from my trip. Their rat sitter gave them constant attention so now they want even more attention and they are making me feel really bad. How do I make sure that no feces get around the house. My I idea was that I get a playpen and put a towel under it. Any suggestions?

ANSWER: Hi Kristy

Your rats should not poop all over the place when they are loose. Rats usually dont do this unless they are scared. Since they are not used to your attention, they are scared and that is why they poop.  You can make a play area out of cardboard boxes and put a sheet down on the bottom and you can sit inside the play pen and play with them. They need this terrbily. Rats love to play with humans and once they are used to you they will not poop all over. In fact, rats can be litter box trained since they like to go in one spot in the cage, but again, due to fear, they go all over when they are out.
Rats are the type of pets that need human interaction so its good you want to give it to them. Make sure that nobody else comes into the play corral when you and the rats are in there so they dont get stepped on. I would not let them loose out of the play area because they can get hurt on alot of things around your room.
Here is the link to see how to construct the playpen using flattened cardboard boxes. Its easy and free so you now can take them out and play them when you have extra time, which you should make for them every day.

Here is the URL for the rat play pen, called the RAT RUN! Scroll down till you see it!

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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: PLEASE HELP!!!!!! One of my rats has a small bump on the back of her head!!! It is about the size of a wart. Maybe a little bigger. I really didn't notice discoloring but it looked like it may have been a little dark. When I touched it trying to look at it though her hair she had no reaction. What do I do. My only guesses to what they are would be a growing tomar, which I am really afraid it is or something like a zit that dogs get. Should I take her to the vet ASAP or should it be fine. PLEASE REPLY QUICKLY!

ANSWER: Hi Kristy

Rest easy! I have a bit of good news! If it looks like a zit, chances are its an abscess, which is pretty much the target area for one especially if you have other rats that he wrestles and plays with. Just a nip or scratch that opens the skin and bacteria that is normal flora on the skin will get in and cause infection. Usually its a pus pocket and the abscess forms.
Before going to the vet, this is what you can try first:
Hold a warm compress on the bump. I have always used a nice warm damp soft rag, but a reader also had a great idea and suggested getting a plastic baggie, fill it with rice, nuke it in the microwave till the rice gets nice and warm (not hot!) and put the rice bag in a sock, knotting the sock off   to keep the bag of rice in. Hold this on the bump for  at least 10 to 20 minutes but I know thats kind of hard  to do, so maybe once he gets tired you can hold and cuddle  him and thats the perfect opportunity to put the heat on his head.
After that, gently give it a squeeze by pressing around the base of the  little lump  . He may not like it but if he goes nuts screaming in pain, stop.
Chances are, pus is going to come out of this  and there may be a  bit of blood too just so you know what to expect.
The pus may be green, yellow, white or a mixture. It may be thick like toothpaste too, and it may have a very offensive odor. You will probably have to express the pus a few times before it starts to shrink up and disappear.
When the abscess finally bursts open,you will need to clean it out.  You can use saline solution to irrigate it using a syringe or saturate a cotton ball.  After that, pat it dry a bit and put neosporin or polysporin ointment in the hole and keep the rat busy for a bit till it absorbs in.  You can also use betadine diluted. Whatever you do avoid using peroxide no matter what. It not only burns but it damages the rats delicate tissues too. Its a great product for people but not for rats.
Anyhow, there may be a scab on it too so before you try to pop it, pick the scab off first.
It may also pop on its own, but its better to get the junk out now rather than keep it in there.
Keep in mind that since I did not see your rat personally and in fact have no real idea what the lump even looks like, I am only giving you a guesstimate from your description of it.  When in doubt, by all means, contact the vet. From what you describe, however, it really does sound just like a benign abscess.  
One last thing: Do you have a vet for your rat? If not, I can help you find a vet that is just for exotic animals to treat your rat. Just let me know your location and what larger cities surround you and I will be able to give you a few names of vets skilled to care for your rat  for future use.

Hope this helps!  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have two rats that are about 10 months old. Would it be ok to get anther younger rat?

It depends.  Are the two rats you have male or female and how young are you talking?

Male rats are not real good with baby rats that are under  3 months old and can hurt them seriously.   Female rats will tolerate young pups that age but it isnt much fun for the pup because she will want to run and play and play wrestle etc...and the older rats will not appreciate all the excess energy the younger rat displays.  This is when I suggest a pair of new baby rats instead of just one.  Also, since the rats are 10 months old and you bring a young pup in, if the older rats pass on the young rat will be all alone again.  It can be a never ending cycle actually.

ANyhow let me know if the rats you have are male or female and also how old the new rat is to be?