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I need to get my rat some help before she dies! Please HELP!!

21 17:33:50

 I need HELP!! I am a rat owner/former breeder and since most of my rats were adopted around the same time period, they are all slowly passing away one by one for different reasons. They all made it past 2 years though. Anyways, I am not familiar with my female rats current sickness...she lost weight dramatically and she is like skin, hair, and bones. She is very weak and is a bit off balance due to it (just a little, it's not a pituitary or head-tilt problem).She still eats solid foods and treats and I am given here baby rice cereal and formula. She has VERY rapid breathing and the red mucus around her nose and mouth. The strangest thing I saw is her hind legs are trembling constantly...she cannot keep them from shivering. I thought it was only when I picked her up but it does it while she is lying still as well (constant).I also just noticed last night that her stool is weird, it's solid but it has slimy, jelly-like parts througout it, and her urine is yellow & cloudy, and very thick or it may just be a discharge! Also, I noticed a very thin ring of blood around her anus.
 I have researched everywhere without finding an answer that confirms what this probably is. There isn't a vet in my area experienced enough with rats (believe me, I looked everywhere) and I've spent over $2,000 in the last 8 months on my rats at the vet I currently go to alone! He checked her out (Leelu - my rat) and just gave me some baytril and doxycycline (what he usually prescribes for everything my rats have and it has never helped in the past). I have been giving it to her mixed in the baby rice/formula/maple syrup mixture orally with a syringe twice a day (noon & 11pm) since Monday and she has shown no improvement!
 I have researched more today and I am thinking of possibly some type of Endo-Parasite??? I need more info on how to determine this and I have only Ivermectin on hand for treatment. She has hair loss but I figured that was just old age. I will probably take her stool to the vet today if the test isn't too expensive because even if she dies, at least I'll have a small idea of what was part of the problem. I do not like the Autopsy option, I'm not ready to have those done just yet...the thought of someone cutting them open after they die kind of gets to me.
 My poor Leelu has been this way for around 2-3 weeks so please help me with anything/advise/links/etc. A.S.A.P. before it is too late for Leelu...she was the one whom inspired me to start my rattery over 2 years ago. She means a lot to me and I love her so much. PLEASE HELP US!!!! I will video tape her and send it to you somehow. Here is my email address so we don't loose contact: nikkicmt4massage "at"

Kindest Regards,
Nikki Scott

   It definitely sounds like it is something serious.  With so many symptoms it's difficult to tell what the problem is.  Endoparasites are quite possible, though it seems she has some neurological symptoms as well that shouldn't be connected to endoparasites.  If the medication you are giving her now hasn't shown a bit of improvement, stop giving it to her.  If it was working you should have seen something by now.  I'm afraid I can't help you too much more over the internet.  Getting some bloodwork done or taking in her stool to be analyzed is probably your best bet at the moment, though with her rapidly deteriorating it may be too little too late.  If you haven't already I would recommend you contact Sandra Todd, one of the other experts here, as she is more familiar with rat ailments than I am and may be able to offer you some more suggestions.  I really hope everything turns out all right, please let me know how it goes!