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Scared pet rats

21 17:06:20

I have 2 female rats. I got them about 2 months ago when
they were approx 6 weeks old. I treat them really well, I
did a lot of research before I bought them and I use the
right bedding and I buy special food and give them healthy
treats. I even built a playpen for them to frolic in because
I can't rat-proof my bedroom. The problem is this: they are absolutely TERRIFIED of me when I touch them. They'll take
food from my hands and they'll climb on me but they will NOT
let me touch them... I've been trying so hard to get them to
trust me but I just don't know what else to try! Do they
just hate me? One of them squealed so much that I thought
she was in pain when I tried to pick her up. I read
somewhere that you can try forced socialisation where you
handle them for 20mins a day but they're so skittish, I
can't even try that... Please help me! I love my rats, even
if they're scared of me, but I don't know what else to try!

Never force them (you  must have read Debbie D's info!) this is a good way to really scare them from you.  Let them come to you. Dont try so hard. They are still young, and young rats are not very interested in being held and cuddled with.  The fact they take food from you and climb on you is a sign of trust, so no, they dont hate you nor do they fear you. They simply dont like being held or restrained or even to have you pet them....yet.  They will come around though, as they age and mature and settle down. Just dont try to pick them up and let them come to you.