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Baytril injection-site ulcer

21 17:46:12

QUESTION: Well, I sure am glad you warned me that rats sometimes get ulcers at the site of the Baytril injections.  Milo has one on his left flank.  We've been careful to move his injection site around, but I had no idea how relatively large the ulcer would be.  It looks like a smashed cranberry!  Do I need to put anything on it?  Cortisone cream?  Other than his unsightly flank, he is doing fabulously, with no outward evidence of his right upper lobe pneumonia.

For all the readers (and comment-leavers) out there, I want to let you know that Sandra helped me keep this rat alive last Sunday night when his tail and feet turned blue from hypoxia (low oxygen) during his respiratory distress.  I live in rural Texas where there is no such thing as an emergency veterinarian, so forget finding a veterinarian who will see a rat patient on a Sunday.    

Thanks, Sandra!!  You rock!!!

ANSWER: Thank you, that was nice of you!!  

About the baytril burn...I have a warning on my website about it because I have NEVER seen a rat NOT develop one. I feared for Milo when I heard his course of treatment would be injections. Maybe the vet can mix up an elixir? He may get more.... its called "baytril burn" and it is because the animal (the rat) is so small, there isnt much "meat" to him, so if the enrofloxacin accumulates under the skin, it can cause the ulcerations. ALot of vets do injections sq because, well, because they have no other way since not all rats are monsters like mine weighing in at 800 grams.
I have injectable baytril here that I give orally and use a nifty cherry flavored syrup when I mix it up. The rats literally grab the syringe off me and suck it out themselves, they love it so much.
As for how to treat the ulcer, you can use cortisone but if it looks like it may end up infected, neosporin is ok, or any generic triple antibiotic ointment. Keep him busy for a few while it absorbs, but its ok if he licks it after a few minutes as long as it has some time to work its way in.  Do it a few times a day.  If he gets any more, I would call the vet and ask about orally dosing him instead.  Again, you can use the injectable and try strawberry syrup or even melt some ice cream (even a bit of chocolate ice cream is ok to use) it should mask the bitterness.  Ew!

For those that have never seen baytril burn, refer to this URL:

Scroll halfway down the page for info!

As for ER vets, there are a few that have exotic vets on call but they are hard to find and very expensive. I have one about 30 minutes from me and there is nothing worse than racing on the highway at midnight with a rat in respiratory distress!  My exotic vet is wonderful enough to insist he come in for me no matter what time it is but if he is unavailable due to him being on vacation etc...I have no choice but to go to the ER and Specialty vet hospital and pay $100 just for the vet to check the animal out. I paid $400 just for the rat to have to be put to sleep not long ago (2 weeks ago actually) they tried all they could but he had scarred lungs (I also suspect possibly blistering too) from chronic respiratory infections.
I am just so happy Milo is improving!!

Thank you again for your kind words! This is the part of doing this that is rewarding: when there is a happy ending!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This morning, Milo got to drink his Baytril, mixed in a couple of drops of pancake syrup.  He is quite fond of this new medication delivery system!

Ha! I forgot about the pancake syrup.  I used that before too...right now I am using baby food and I did not think he would go for it since its just strained carrots or peas but he sees the dish coming and yanks it out of my hands!!  

Did you call the vet back about the ulcer and if so, did he suggest any other treatment for it?

Yeah for Milo !!