Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Daughters pet rat not well

Daughters pet rat not well

21 17:54:37

My daughter has had a rat for about 3 weeks now.  She's never been really active, but we thought since she was in a new home, she was just nervous.  This morning when my daughter went to check on Alice, she was laying on her side and breathing really hard.  She brought her out to me, and one of her eye was wet with a red substance, maybe blood I don't know.  She will not stand up at all and if you put your hand on her chest, her heart is just racing.

Is it too late?  Is there anything we can do?  Please help.

Oh Tricia!! I hate when these get sent to the question pool! Chances are now it is too late unless you took her to the vet...I only wish this was addressed to a specific expert and it wasnt, which is why it wasnt sent directly to me.

I hope the little rat is ok. Please let me know.
I will brief you on what is happening with her, or was, that is.....
The red discharge you saw from her eye is called porphyrin and it resembles blood but it is not blood. Its a discharge from the harderian gland located behind the rats eyes and when the rat is stressed they produce more than normal and it cakes around the nose and eyes. This is a sign of illness in many cases although some rats tend to have a little bit every day no matter if they are sick or well.

It sounds like the rat had a respiratory infection which can be treated by a vet skilled in rat care, but again, the issue needs addressed fast and I am hoping you found a vet and took her in.  Please let me know.  Again, I am sorry something this critical did not show up until today!

