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Young Rat Lost his Brother.

21 17:27:48

a month or two I adopted a pair of rats, Stan & Jack,  but Stan died yesterday
due to illness. Jack has shown no signs of being ill but has been very
subdued. He was with his brother at the time of passing, keeping him warm
and safe so I hope he feels some closure because of that.

I have one other rat, a old female that is friendly/indifferent to the boys but
I'm worried she wont have the energy to keep up with the youngster and that
Jack will get bored and anti-social.

So what I'm asking you is if I should find Jack a new playmate and how soon?

I am very sorry for your loss.  As for putting Jack with the odler girl, unless one of them has been sexually altered, I would not risk it.  Although females usually cease to ovulate after 18 months give or take a few months, you cant be too sure and there have been reports of two year old rats giving birth (and having a difficult time with not only labor, but poor lactation that could result in the death of the pups etc...) so its just not worth the risk.  

As for finding him a new playmate, I would do it as soon as NOW. I have not only heard about people losing rats due to a broken heart, I have lsot my own as well.  What is really meant by this is that the rat becomes so lost and depressed, this causes stress that compromises the immune system and the rat becomes ill. They are so depressed they dont even have the energy to fight off even a mild illness and they also pass away, sometimes within the first month of losing their mate. I would start the hunt for a rat around his age, maybe a tad younger, as soon as you can. Meantime, you can let him mingle with the older girl, even just to visit through the cage bars to say hello. This may cheer him up some. Try offering him a buddy to sleep with.  Usually a pair of socks rolled in a ball is all they need or a stuffed animal (the kind that is safe for infants and young children with no eyes and nose that can be chewed off)  I once had an older male bond with a beanie baby rat and he dragged this all around with him and snuggled with it all the time. When he passed away I buried the beanie baby with him.  :(

Hope this helps!