Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > tumor/cyst


21 17:49:16

i am away at college and while visiting home my mom told me my rat Bliss had a huge pink sack hanging from her. i took a closer look and noticed it coming out of her vagina. i also notice a lump behind her front right leg. i read another post that was similar to my situation, but i was wondering if you could possibly tell me how much surgery would cost.
thanks in advance.

Typical surgery prices vary from location to location and by the size of the tumor; all I can tell you is about how much it would be at the vets I most commonly work with. For a lump the size of a large grape in a typical, easy to remove area you're looking at about $120 here- generally the larger the tumor, the more problems they can potentially encounter, and the longer the surgery (erego the higher the price).