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RIP Fudgy - my special little girl

21 17:30:04

Hi Sandra,

Im kicking myself now that maybe i took her to the wrong vet or maybe i should have just left the lump. She had one removed about 4 weeks ago which went fine at the same vets. I then noticed 2 more so she went in to have both removed. Thats 3 lumps in 4 weeks!! Did i put her little body through too much??

She was wide awake and running around her little carry case when i took her in. We had a cuddle and she was so pleased to be having a stroke. I cant help feeling i cut her little life even shorter??

Ive got so many questions going round my head. I phoned and spoke to the nurse today who said they used Isoflurene Gas. She said she had started waking up but didnt come completely round when her heart stopped. They used a drug called Dopram (drops in her mouth) but it didnt work. They also said they use heat gloves (what ever they are) to maintain body temperature. A nurse apparantly monitors them the whole time and is constanly checking their heart and gas.

Ive asked for the vet to call me back on Monday as she isnt in today.

Im absolutely devastated and poor Toffee looks so sad and lonely.

We buried her this morning in a little wooden box with some treats for the bridge


I just still cant believe it, VIcky.  I am sick over this. I felt like I knew her. I remember so many times you wrote about them. I think I have photos of her and in fact was going to ask if they were of her so I can put them on my critter city site later.  You sent me some before didnt you?

The gloves they used......they should use a heating mat or a heated table.  Iso is good, sevo is better but they are both good.
Dopram is a respiratory stimulant... it tells the brain to make the lungs breathe....
just so you know.  

I am so sorry.....