Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Rattie not right....

Rattie not right....

21 17:35:11

QUESTION: Hi there, I woke up this am and found my baby sort of lethargic and seemed to be in pain when I picked her up...she looks better now after eating and drinking what I offered her but she still squeks when I pet her head, moves REALLY grooming her face and moving around some...I'm not sure that her sister didn't rough her up too much last night....HELP!

She sounds like she may be ill. I would get her to the vet as soon as possible.  If you need a vet, please let me know and I can give you some names of vets that specialize in exotic mammals.  Some vets that are general vets say they also see exotics, but that doesnt mean they are exotic vets and many of them are clueless or have very minimal knowledge about rats and how to properly treat them.  

How old is the baby?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She is 6 months or so...I live in N.Tampa area..she just ate some egg and p.nut butter toast...I also gave her some gatorade....My husband said he thought he heard them wrestling alot late last night...she is pooping and peeing too...

Florida Veterinary Specialists    
3000 Busch Lake Blvd
Tampa FL 33614
Phone:    813-933-8944

The place above has a 24 hour emergency care center that serves exotics too.  

If she did get hurt last night, she may have injuries that need checked but I cant be sure. Also, hold off on the gatorade. There are too many things including sodium that rats do not need. The extra sodium in gatorade is too taxing for their delicate kidneys. I would instead, offer her some infants/childrens pedialyte, but only if she isnt drinking. Egg is ok, peanut butter, if thick, presents a choking hazard. Arent I not just full of good news?  LOL Sorry to be so negative, I just wanted to point out what may not be the best thing for rattie although I know your intentions are good.

Does she seem better now?  Is she limping?

Rats can drive us to drink sometimes with worry! Either way, at least you know there is a good place you can bring your rats to if needed, and the best part is they have an emergency clinic. Too many rats die or spend the night suffering when there are no clinics open 24 hours and esp frustrating if they dont see rats. Most of the time if they say they dont see rats and you have this hypoxic rat just like a limp rag doll in your hand, they WILL take them in and get them stable on oxygen etc....but they say NO on the phone. A compassionate vet will not turn any suffering animal away and if they do, shame on them.

How much bigger is the rat she was sparring with last night ?  
Do they get along and perhaps this was just their normal play?
The lethargic part bothers me, though...but keep in mind rats are indeed nocturnal and you may simply be observing her nap time. My  rats turn their backs on me and if they could, they would cover their ears and say LEAVE ME ALONE MOM! if I mess with them mid day. They are older now (3.5 years and a bit older than 2 years old) so they have a schedule more like mine now and are up in the day more than before, sleeping more at night, but when they were younger, forget it.

Hope this helps!