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Oxytetrin injections

21 17:26:38

Dear Sandra
I would really appreciate it i you could give me some advice on my little Dumbo rat, Mr. Jingles. For a while he has been treated with Baytril for upper-respatory problems (sneezing blood). This did not appear to be a long-term solution as the symptoms never completely went away, so he was given a course of Oxytetrin injections. Everything seemed fine until the 3rd and final injection (which was given in his hind-quarters), when on arrival home we noticed his back left foot was seemingly paralyzed and knuckling under. This occured 3 days ago.
We were hoping that the injection may have caused pain and bruising, instead of nerve damage but would value your advice. He also doesn't seem himself (not so keen to eat or move about).
Many thanks
Olivia, aged 13

Hi Olivia

Your rat hasnt been sneezing blood, so that should be a comfort to you.  Here is the information about what he is sneezing from his nose that looks like blood:

Also, the medication your rat is getting is used for farm animals like pigs and cows, not really good for rats. Also its a bad idea to give rats injections because they dont have much muscle mass to inject in to so this can cause problems for them.

What other signs of illness does your rat have other than sneezing? How long have you had him?  Sneezing isnt always an indication of illness.

Is your vet a real exotic vet? Make this follow up Private and let me know who your vet is and his location and I will tell you more about him.