Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Rats with small splinter looking things sticking out of body

Rats with small splinter looking things sticking out of body

21 17:45:46

Rats with brown specs
Question     QUESTION: I have a friend who has a rat with brown small tubular
shapes sticking out of
his body.  They don't have money to take him to a vet.  It's made the rat have
a bit of thinning hair, itch and the tail looks like it has dry skin.  Can you
suggest something to use?  I feel horrible for this ugly little rat!

ANSWER: small tubular shapes? Like growths? Or like bugs?  

Sounds like lice. No over the counter medication will help and if anything it could make the rat sick and kill it.

He needs a vet. All pet owners should prepare themselves for the fact that every living thing will one day need medical attention. The time has come and now the rat has to suffer for it.

I suggest she surrender the rat to someone that could provide medical care for him. There are rat rescues around, if you need help finding one, let me know.