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Possible sinus or respitory infection, what to do?

21 17:19:16

I have a question, I have a Blur rat as a pet, who is having a problem, his face is swollen on his right side, while his left side is normal, and he has red fluid around his right eye and nostal.  It looks like a sinus infection, I want to know what i can do to ease his suffering, and is my  concusion correct.  Also around his right leg, there appears to be a cut or bruse, please help as he is my daughters favorate rat, thank you.

Rats usually do not suffer from sinus infections.  Usually what we look for when there is swelling on one side of the face with no definite mass is the teeth, usually the molars. Sometimes there is an abscess in the rats molars or gums that cause swelling.  Swelling of the face could also be from an tumor on the zymbals gland. This often causes swelling and eventually opens up to form a large hole in the side of the rats face.  I am hoping it is not this and instead is possibly related to the teeth.   The discharge your seeing is porphyrin and it is a secretion produced by the harderian gland found behind the rats eyes.

You can read more about both porphyrin and zymbals gland tumors on my website. I prefer you compare photos with the zymbals tumor and see if the swelling is anything like the photos I have and also check out the page on bloody discharge from eyes and nose (many people mistake porphyrin for blood) to see if the discharge you see is also the same as my photos.  When the discharge dries it looks like dried blood around the eyes and nose.

Porphyrin often indicates that the rat is stressed due to illness or anxiety and is used by many rat owners as a sign of illness which in trun prompts us to seek medical attention by a qualified Vet, which I think is necessary in your rats case at this point.  Its best to get it under control now since the rats fast metabolic rate only accelerates their illness and can take a mild infection and turn it into something much more nasty and difficult to control in just a few short days.  If you need a vet please allow me to help you find one once I know your location.  Many vets claim they treat "pocket pets" but this in no way means they are really as qualified as they should be and sometimes makes matters worse than better.  Its best to arm yourself with knowledge so you will know if your vet is on the right track or not.