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lump under my female rats neck

21 17:43:44

I have had my rat for 2 years and about 3 days ago found a bump on her neck. At first my sister thought that she was storing food there but the next day it got a little bigger and didn't go away.My rat doesn't seem to notice it very much but when she sleeps she makes a wheezing sound. Is this a tumor? and if so is there anything to do about it?

Hi Patricia

Rats do not have pouches to store food. That would be a hamster. :)

Examine the lump really close. Does it have a sore, scab or hole in it? Does it seem sunken in, or pitted? Is it squishy and soft and able to roll around under the skin?
I am trying to see if it is an abscess or mammary tumor. If it is a tumor they can easily be removed by the vet and be good as new again. This would be the prime age for her to develop mammary tumors. They usually show up after menopause, around 18 months and older. High estrogen levels are what fuels the manifestation of these tumors.
A good vet that knows how to care for rats *usually exotic vets* will operate and do not let anyone tell you she is too old. Age is a number only. If she has been healthy her whole life, there is no need to allow a tumor to end up sooner than she is ready.

Here is a link to my website and the page about tumors. Please take a look to learn more about them:

I will hope its an abscess which is why I asked you what it looks like.
If seems to have came out of the blue and is growing daily, which means it could be filling with pus. Anyhow, let me know what it looks like and we can go from there. If I feel it may be an abscess, I will guide you further on how to treat it.

hope to hear from you soon