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Socialization problem

21 17:46:25

QUESTION: I have a male large rat. I adopted him from the pet store when we was roughly 8 weeks old. I took him home, tried my best to make sure there was no loud sounds or harsh movements. I petted him, fed him, had water available to him 24/7 and kept a clean cage.
It has now been about 3 months and he will eat from my hand, but take it and run to the corner to eat it. I can take him out of the cage and I will put him on my bed to run around, but all he does is sniff things and try to hide in the blankets. He does not like to be held, played with or go on my shoulders. He doesn't come when I call him, only if there is food in my hand. Also he sneezes an awful lot. I keep pet store bought bedding in there for him, provide him with an open diet of veggies, cheese, and his nuitrigold store bought diet food. I also give him little yogurt treats. I have taken him outside a few times and he loves to hide under the brush.  My question is, since rats are supposed to be loving, adaptable, social, smart creatures, why is he not being more social with me? I held and played with a female rat my friend had and she was awesome. She would not run off, she liked to play.  Also, my male rat jsut started to nibble and bit my fingers. Why?

Thank you for your help.

ANSWER: Well your first problem is you bought him from a pet store.

The first 5 weeks of a rat's life are crucial in the socialization process. Pet store rats are mass produced and basically ignored until they wean and are shipped off to be sold. Once in the pet store, unless its a store with great associates, they're generally ignored. He's having to overcome the bred-in fear of people that undoubtedly his mother had. SHE was probably never handled either. Erego, fear begets fear. All you can do is try to keep working with him.. and I'd suggest getting him a friend. This time, buy from a breeder, they're MUCH more social! If you need help finding a breeder in your area, let me know what city/state you live in and I'll see if I can find anyone. Rats with buddies are generally much more social, especially if their buddy knows that people are ok.

What kind of bedding is this store-bought stuff? If its pine, throw it out. Aspen, hemp, recycled newspaper pellets/shreds are all acceptable, appropriate beddings but Pine and Cedar have oils that can seriously bother rattie respiratory systems (leading to the sneezing). Careful letting him run around outside, as there are a bunch of germies he could pick up walking around out there that may also lead to respiratory infection (and sadly, sometimes death).

If your bedding isn't the cause, I'd say he probably has a mild URI and should see a vet to get checked out and probably put on some medication.

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Wow, thank you so so so much for your help, its so nice ot have someone that can tell me something. I actualyl stumbled across this site.
Back to business...I want to get him a friend, and I was going to but the pet store people (cruel people)said its best to do it when they are young. I live in San Antonio Texas, zip 78230. I would love to have another one, I even have two cages, one a glass tank and the other a wire cage with a plastic bottom-2 level, so he can climb, although I don't like him walking on the metal bars, I fear for his feet. The bedding is carefresh brand, cedar and pine oil free is says. I also have newspaper shredding in there.
Well, thank you for your help, I look forward talking with you again!  :)

After a standard quarantine time, the two rats will be able to live together just fine - and a wire cage is best, despite that you worry for his feet.. believe me.. his feet will be fine, provided you have plenty of bedding on the cage bottom and lots of fun toys/hammocks/beds for him to sleep on and get off the wire for awhile. Carefresh is a good bedding, so kudos on that!

Here's a quick list of breeders in TX:

The key is fairly simple, "R" means rat, "M" is mouse..

Hope you find something!