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Head Tilt Treatment

21 17:54:46

How long on Baytril until he gains his balance back? And how do I know if the Baytril is working, or if I need to get him on Doxycyline? He has been in antibiotics for 5 days now.

Have you discussed this with me before? If so, can you give me the run down on what was discussed?

Just because a rat has a head tilt does not mean its caused by an infection that Baytril alone will take care of. Generally, yes, however sometimes its neurological and antibiotics simply won't work at all - period. That's best left to a vet experienced with rats to determine as a diagnosis is very hard to give you based on just "head tilt". If your rat is going to improve on antibiotics, you SHOULD see a difference within 7 to 10 days.. but not always.. sometimes it takes longer.