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bumble-foot healed

21 17:40:02

Hi Sandra,
I know you get lots of questions and can't possibly remember every case, but I wrote to you a few months ago about my female rat with the horrible facial abscess that wouldn't heal and was thought to be cancer, and I thought you would like to know she did heal up and is well and doing good. I also wanted to let you know that the great advice you gave me on bumble-foot worked.  It took about 3 months but my little rat's foot is completely healed.  Thank you so much for the help, I couldn't have done it without you.

Oh my gosh that is Great news.  I am more than thrilled about the facial abscess.  I see so much zymbals gland tumors that I feared the worst. I need to be more positive I think but just when I   think its OK, than BLAM!  Something bad happens!

at least the bumbles healed. Thats great news and I thank you for writing. I Love happy endings!