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Toffees hind leg follow up

21 17:23:01

Hi Sandra,
Thanks for your quick response as always. So sorry to hear about Santana. I know how hard it is when they go. I sat with Toffee the other night crying for Fudge. She must have thought what a wally!!!
Will try the vitamins on her and see how we go. Will book a vet trip in next week...i cant see the vet giving baytril for 30 days though, maybe a week at the most!!

Your new babies are gorgeous


I should not tell you get the baytril to at least get it in her for two weeks if you only get a weeks worth??  "Spill it"!   Seriously. I know alot of my readers will tell me that they do this if they only get enough for 10 days....they start to run out and call the vet and ask for more because the rat kicked the bottle over and now, gosh oh gee, darn it, you need another bottle.
Abra ca dabra!  Your have another weeks worth.  no, its not cheap to do, but at least your rat will get more than a week of treatment in her!

I sit here and think of all the rats I have lost. 46 now.  Wow. I remember all the times I would race my gasping rats to the ER vet to have them put to sleep. I call it the "death race". the rats would be so sick I dont even need a carrier for them, I would wrap them in a tiny towel and put them close to my heart and race to the vet, praying a police car wont be on my tail and pull me over for speeding. It happened before, so it makes me nervous every time.  I hate it. I almost said NO MORE RATS this time but felt so empty without having rats, I had to get more. I just had to. I wouldnt be the rat lady I am known for around here if I didnt have pet rats!