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chlorpalm & ivomec

21 17:06:30

Hello there!

Today I took my rat to the vet and he got an Ivomec injection for his mites. The vet said to go back to get another one in 3 weeks, but he didn't say why. Is it completely necessary, is it killing off the rest of the mites?

Also, I didn't get to double-check about the Chlorpalm 250 prescription for my rat's mild myco flare-up... it says to give it every 12 hours for 2 weeks,  but I was thinking antibiotics were supposed to be given for longer? Thoughts?

Thanks very much! I still haven't mastered the art of asking questions to a busy vet :)


Your rat is on an old drug not very useful for myco. SHe should be on baytril for 30 days for myco.

As for the ivomec, yes, you should go back for this. There may be eggs that hatch and if she isnt treated again, she can become infected all over again.

I would ask the vet for baytril. Less side effects, more effective than what she is on now.  Myco is something that needs treated properly or the rat will end up with a relapse and have chronic lung problems for life.  Vets need to know this or allow a vet that DOES know to treat rats.