Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > spay/neuter


21 17:29:51

We recently added two rats to our family. We thought we had 2 males because they we young. It turns out I have one of each and my female just had 10 babies 2 weeks ago. I am having a difficult time trying to find a vet who has spayed/neutered rats in the past. Where can I go? I imagine we will be keeping most of the babies and although they will be seperated at 5 weeks they are still going to need to be seen at the vet and be altered.(so we don't have more babies that we already do! Most of the Vet offices I have talked to the Dr's have never altered a rat, but they are willing to "try".....this scares me. We love our ratty friends!

Oh my, please do not let the vets that say they are willing to TRY touch your rats!  This would be an ultimate disaster. You need a qualified exotic vet or at least a general vet with alot of experience and proper equipment to accommodate your rats needs to ensure the safest experience possible.    Please let me know your location and I will give you names of vets to call.  

Also, you can have a few boy cages and a few girl cages rather than spend tons of money having them fixed.  I prefer females are spayed but we are talking how many females?  with a spay costing at least $150 or more.  Some vets discount when you have more than a few rats but...
You can check into buying a CRITTER NATION which is HUGE and you can buy two of them, keeping some boys in the top and some in the bottom, I dont advise keeping more than 4 intact males together just to avoid serious alpha male problems down the road but in a huge cage you fit 6 girls happily.  The critter nation can probably house 15 or more rats in the entire cage and if you block it off half and half, there will be alot of space.  How many rats do you have total?  12?  How many boys and girls?