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newborn rat abies

21 17:23:02

Our hairless rat, Alfred, just gave birth to 11 gangbusters; all the little guys seem very healthy and active and most appear to have a healthy milk line; she seems to keep them quite clean and appears to be totally devoted.  The babies arrived very early this morning and she had them altogether with her all day; however, tonight she has four babies off in a corner of her tank and she has the rest with her.  I may seem really stupid, but does this mean she is rejecting them or is she going to feed them separately?

Oh boy.....she is rejecting them. Something may be wrong with them. This is the heartbreaking part.  Is she nursing them?  Check them for milk band in their bellies.  She needs to keep them warm. I would put them back with the rest of the babies again and see what she does.