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Ivermectin use questions!

21 17:59:25

Hi Sandra, you recently answered my question on Yahoo! Answers about my rat's
skin problem. I got some Ivermectin, and am wondering what the best way to go
about treating my rat is. I would greatly appreciate an email back! Thank you so

Hey Sylvia

The first thing you need to do is go to your cupboard and pick out a half grain of rice. Memorize that size. That's all you need of the ivermectin per dose. Pick the day that you are going to start treatment and mark the day on your calender. Mark that same day for three weeks in a row. Each week, on that day, is when you will give her another dose. Should take 3 weeks, sometimes 4 weeks to complete the treatment.

Give her the dose in something yummy like jam or mayonnaise. Now clean out her cage and everything that was in it with hot soapy water and rinse well. Let it air-dry, in the sun if possible. You need to repeat this cage cleaning each time you give her a dose.

If you have difficulty getting her to eat it, ie, it smears on her, or she refuses to eat all of it, don't give her more or you might OD her on it.

Please let me know ( how it goes after the first dose.
