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noisy rat

21 17:46:05

Recently my one rat passed away. Now the other one is making numerous
noises frequently. He seems healthy-coat, eyes, appetitie, activity level all
good- but his noises are just worrying me. I am not sure if I am being
paranoid due to the recent loss of his brother. He would be HIGHLY stressed
if I took him to the vet and do not want to unless it seems necessary. The
noises are hard to describe but they seem almost like a more intense
grinding of his teeth, or perhaps like grunting? He does not make the sound
consistently but definitely frequently (eating, sitting, but not when sleeping).
Am I being paranoid or should I be taking him into the vet? Thanks.

Sounds like he has some congestion going on that requires antibiotics before it settles in his lungs.

If your little guy freaks out going to the vets, perhaps you can have the vet simply fill a prescription for you such as baytril rather than you having to bring him there.  What do you use to transport him in when you go to the vets? Sometimes all it takes is changing what you use for a travel container in order to make the rats ride easier him.  I use a cat carrier and put his igloo inside it so he can hide in the igloo. He freaks for a minute but settles down and often falls asleep, as my drive to the vet is at least 40 minutes.

I would consider taking him in, though, as I have seen simple nasal congestion turn bad sometimes over night and end up a full blown respiratory infection, sometimes pneumonia.
What did your other rat pass away from? Do you have a vet that is good with rats?