Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > can i put 2 male rats and two female rats in 1 cage

can i put 2 male rats and two female rats in 1 cage

21 17:51:48

hi my name is jack i have a question to ask can u put 2 male rats and 2 female rats in 1 cage to breed

Well... yes.... you COULD. But why would you want to? Do you realize that female rats can have up to 21 or 22 babies per litter (you're looking at potentially 40 babies!), and can be rebred directly after giving birth? Do you have a purpose for breeding, as to better the species of fancy rat; or is it just for fun? Do you understand that during breeding males can and sometimes will get aggressive, downright vicious? Do you understand that to protect their young, females can and will fight, sometimes to the death, and even injure their owners? Do you understand the risks and complications that any animal may go through during gestation and delivery, including death of not only the offspring but also the parent, and that your vet bills may be in the thousands range if you do end up taking them to a vet? I ALWAYS recommend you leave breeding to people who are prepared to handle the outcome, and I can't advocate otherwise.