Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Swollen tongue and throat glands

Swollen tongue and throat glands

21 17:24:45

QUESTION: I have 5 rats, 3 dumbo ear rats, and 2 african soft fur. I noticed this morning that one of my african soft fur rats tongue was swollen as well as what appears to be the glands on its neck, she seems to be normal temperature and is breathing fine, also she doesn't seem too bothered by it other than she cant really eat or drink, mostly she just seems to want to sleep but that may just be because she usually does during the day. Nothing new has been added to their environment or to their food within the last couple weeks, so I am unsure of what might be wrong and of how serious or not it might be, and it being Sunday the only vet open is far too expensive for me, any advice for now would be greatly appreciated, thanks very much.

ANSWER: It could be one of two things:

A viral infection or she may have been bitten by something and is having an allergic reaction to it.

Do you have any childrens benadryl handy?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sadly she passed early yesterday afternoon, if you have any thoughts though I would love to hear incase anything like that should happen again.

I am very sorry for your loss.  I wish I could give you closure but I am not really sure what it could have been caused from. There is a nasty virus that can cause the glands to swell but it does sound as if she had some reaction to a poison, or even a spider bite.  Is this possible?