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Inner Ear Infection?

21 17:18:25

I have a pet rat who is sick. I took her to the vet a few weeks ago and she said that it was an inner ear infection and prescribed baytril, doxycycline, and steroids. at first she seemed to be getting better, but then she starting getting worse. I called the vet a few days ago and she said to double the dose, but I haven't seen any improvement. Now she is to the point where she can't keep herself up, she just falls over. She is still eating but not very much. I have been spoon feeding her baby food because she can't sit up. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do. I would appreciate any help you could give. Thank you.


Can she use her front paws to hold food? Is she able to chew and swallow?

I am worried she may not have an inner ear infection and instead, she may have a pituitary tumor.

I am going to assume she is older ?

Here is info on PTs from my website, Sandys critter city. Let me know if this sounds like your little girl.