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Should she see or not see?

21 17:12:14

Hi. I currently own two rats; sisters from the same litter. They are a year and a month old.

One of them has developed (from my knowledge, research, and the advice of other rat owners) Myco, again. She had Myco in October of last year and was treated for it. She gained a little weight and resumed back to normal. She is showing all the common signs for it.

I have been thinking about treatments; and that if I have to constantly treat her only to see her getting worse, that I would put her down. But then I started thinking about her sister.

Should her sister see her dead body if I do have to resort to euthanisation? I know that rats mourn and "look" for their cagemates. Would it be good for her sister to know that she is dead and not simply gone? My boyfriend thinks that would have negative effects, but he is no rat expert at all.

Thank you.

How long was she treated the first time she had myco in October?  She is so young yet to think about putting her down but of course your right to ask ahead of time.  There are things that can be done to save her, though, so keep that in mind.  In fact, check out my website, and read the topic on mycoplasmosis.  She may need to be on antibiotics for the rest of her life, and in fact I suggest it whenever there is a relapse to avoid chronic lung disease.  You will need a qualified vet for this though. One that is very very up to date on treating rats and sadly, there are not many of them around that really know what they are doing.  Your girl should have been on baytril for a full 30 days with some experts now advising 6 weeks.  When there is a relapse, to avoid scarring of the lungs, she should be put on the baytril again, a regular dosing schedule to treat active infection for a full 30 days dosing twice a day, and after that, once a day dose for the rest of her life.  This is the only proper way to treat this nasty bug since it never goes totally away and lives in your rats nasal passages and also in her uterus (which is how it is passed on from mother to rat pups)

As for letting a rat see his cagemates remains after death?  You are absolutely right to do this and the rat needs this for closure. If not, she will sit waiting for her return to the point of depression which lowers the immune system and will cause the surviving rat to fall ill herself.  We refer to that as dying of a broken heart. Its so sad. In fact, I usually  suggest to buy another cagemate right away when the other rat dies to avoid the stress that rats endure when they lose a cagemate.   If she sees her sisters remains, she will lay with her and know that she is not alive, and rats are so smart and so sensitive, they really do understand this and it helps alot.  I am hoping to avoid all of this right now though of course and want your little young girl to get on the right treatment before things get too far out of hand, which is so common with rats because the vet usually wants to drag his or her feet if they do not fully understand the mechanics of mycoplasmosis pulmonis.