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New young rat

21 17:36:21

I just brought home a new baby rat Phyllis, age unknown, to be a companion for a 6 month old female, Artemis.  She's not albino but with her red eyes and swaying head I'm guessing she's pretty close to blind. Right off they got along great but Phyllis, she eats on her own, keeps trying to nurse.   I'm spending quality time with both and I'm sure it's an adjustment but Arte is getting tired and is almost hiding. Should I be concerned?

sounds like Phyllis was weaned a bit early. Have you considered supplementing her with a little bit of KMR (found at any pet shop, Kitten Milk Replacer)? How is she, health-wise?

Red-eyed rats have trouble seeing anything that doesn't move. To compensate, they sway, which makes their surroundings appear to move and allows them to see a bit. It's very normal.

Sounds like they're just adjusting but if Arte begins to show any symptoms of illness, go to a vet ASAP.