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My rat Violet

21 17:36:21

QUESTION: Hi, we've been e-mailing back and forth about my rat Violet.
I took her to the vet, and the vet said that Violet has multiple tumors and is anemic, and her body temperature is low. She doesn't have a respiratory infection, she was wheezing because she was so frail from all of the tumors.
She told me to make her as comfortable as possible, and to put a heating pad under the cage, and give her liquid vitamins for rats from the pet store.
when I got her home and gave her some liquids, I realized that when she got liquid in her system, she started wheezing. After a while, possibly when she got the liquid out of her system, she would start wheezing again. Could liquid be going into her lungs? If so, is there anything I could do about it?

ANSWER: She should have antibiotics, steroids and if she has fluid in her lungs, she needs lasix or she will end up getting pneumonia.  The steroid will help some of the inflammation and the antibiotics would help ward off infection. I have never heard of wheezing from tumors unless they are pressing on the lungs.  Where are the tumors located? I dont recall if you said, but my memory is nothing to brag about so  I may have forgotten.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: There is a lower abdominal larger mass, and under her front right armpit there are a couple of smaller ones. She might also have one on the brain, and she is doughy on her back end.
The other vet didn't put her on antibiotics because she thought it wouldn't help her any. I promise I'm not trying to contradict you, I just want you to know what the other vet said to see if there is something better.

Thats ok, I know your not contradicting me. I did not examine her so of course I am only making educated guesses and going by the things you tell me so no worries.

Also, sometimes we give them antibiotics when they have a mass incase they abscess internally and this prevents sepsis from the bacteria that comes from the abscesses.