Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > castration


21 17:23:51

hi Sandra if just took my pet rat reg to the vet to be castration today due to him becoming aggrieves hopefuly it will work. eny way i get to the point do you think i should have my other pet rat Fred do to what do you think Sam  
hope you can help

Is Fred aggressive?  If he is, he should be neutered too.

However, how old are they? Often around 6 to 8 months of age, males go through puberty and sometimes they have to figure out the pecking order and who gets the crown of head rat in charge, or in other words, the alpha of the group.  Usually they outgrow this and during this phase they may squabble but do not hurt each other.   

A truly aggressive rat will be this way usually from the time they are little.  They  usually bite and are always fighting with the other rat.  Neutering does calm them but dont expect big changes right away. The hormone levels need to drop and this takes a few weeks.