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Porphyrin around nose.

21 17:25:41

Hi there. So, my rat has been on Enrofloxacin for about 5 weeks now. This was her 2nd flair up of myco so I wanted her to go on the antibiotics longer. She seems to have gotten better, as she was sneezing a lot before, and now she isn't.
But in the past few days she has had what I think is excessive Porphyrin around her nose, and it seems a little 'watery' like maybe mixed with mucus. She will clean herself and then shake and it will fly all over the place. I need an opinion on if she needs different treatment and how much longer I should keep her on the Enrofloxacin. Thanks! -Ashley


Please check out my web page on mycoplasmosis.

Usually I suggest that once the rat has a second flare up, they should be put on antibiotics for the rest of their life. The first time around it should be at least 30 days with some experts now suggesting 6 weeks of treatment and if they relapse, lifelong baytril or whatever meds it was that worked.

If after the first three days they dont show improvement, its time to move on to another antibiotic.

She may have a secondary infection on top of the myco which is not surprising.  I would continue the baytrl for the rest of her life, putting her on a high end daily dose and also adding another antibiotic such as cefadrops or amoxil or something along thos lines which can take  care of any bacteria the baytril is not strong enough to take on.