Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > My rat has a hole in his throat!

My rat has a hole in his throat!

21 17:26:12

One of our rats ( Captain Bean ) Has always been sneezy and wheezy.  We thought it was a respitory problem.  Tonight we found a pin-hole sized hole in his throat!  he must get dust and sod from his cage in it which causes him to cough and sneeze!?

Is this a birth defect?  How common is this?  And can a Vet fix it?

Woah, I have never seen this one before! It sounds to me like it Maybe a birth defect or something that occurred when he was young? How long have you had your rat? also does he fight with other rats? A vet can easily graph the skin and fix it so no worries. until then keep him in a cage with cloth so debris doesnt get in. Also be sure he is eating well. I imagine it must hurt to eat so give him Mushy Food like apple sauce or baby food.