Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Pet Rats > Itchy Rat

Itchy Rat

21 17:40:49

QUESTION: I own two female 2 year old rats. One of which seems to be scratching every few minutes. She has scabs on her belly and head,with quite a bit of hair loss. She has surgery done a while ago, the hair started to grow back, but recently it has been thinning. What I am wondering is it possible that she picked up mites or something from the vet? She wasn't so itchy before going to the vets.


You said she wasn't "so" itchy before the vets, was she itchy before the vets? Is the other female displaying the same symptoms?  If one has mites, the other would get them too.
SHe could very well have a skin condition related to stress. Have you been able to inspect her skin for mites?  Sometimes you can see them with the naked eye and also using a magnifying glass. Check her real close for anything moving at all.   

It could be mites but it doesnt have to be from the vets. It could easily come in with your bag of bedding/litter.  How long ago was the surgery done?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: It has been a few months since the surgery. Before the vets I meant to say that she was exhibiting a normal amount of itchyness. I have inspected her and her sister several times, without seeing any movement. They both seem to have a little dry skin, with her sister's skin orange slightly where the dry skin is. I am going to scrub out their cage and put in new bedding.  I have also bathed both of them with kitten shampoo, it helped a little I guess.


Olive oil is something that helps so much for dry skin!  You can put a dab of it on a cracker and let them eat it and meanwhile for the itchy areas, try using cortisone (over the counter) The orange skin you see is a build up of oil from an over active sebaceous gland. Its a pain to get off so when you bathe her, use a bit of tearless childs shampoo and a soft baby tooth brush and scrub gently.