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can an ear infection spread to the lungs?

21 17:33:13

QUESTION: I just recently lost my friend Pepper. She was my first rat and my first pet ever!!! It all just happened so sudden. She seemed just fine but one day i came home she did not run up to the top of the cage and greet me like she usually does. when i took her out she coult barely carry herslef and started to go in circles. i immediately called my vet. They checked for tumors and discovered that it was just an ear infection. they treated her and by the end of the day she was her usual self. but then the next morning she had that red stuff all over her eyes and nose and she had trouble breathing. i tried to pick her up and she squeaked the entire time. i was devestated and it was a sunday so no vet was open until 11. as soon as i got to the vet they put her on oxygen and they said she was doing better. they gave her liquid treatment and some antibiotics and told me i just had to see if she would respond to the treatment. unfortunately she did not. i had to put her to sleep that night because her breathing got worse and i felt bad that she was suffering all day but i did not leave her side for even a second that day. i still dont understand how the ear infection affected her breathing that badly. do you think it could have been a separate lung infection? i justwondered if there is something on that i can look out for in the future. i do have 3 other rats and i want to ensure that i dont miss out on a sign again. also i did notice with pepper that sometimes when i pet her, she would arch her back and sort of freeze for a second. i tried to look up any behavior to make sure its normal but as far as lung problems and that i have not found much. i did find your page very helpful tho.

ANSWER: Hi Jennifer

Usually mycoplamsosis is the culprit for both the ear infection and respiratory infection.  Sometimes, one ailment can cause the immune systeom to weaken and a secondary infection sets in. While its not really safe to say that the ear infection spread to the lungs, it is possible the same bacteria is responsible for both infections but did it spread from one to the other?  No

What she needs is two types of antibiotics. One for myco, the other for possible strep.  I would go for the baytril and cefa drops or amoxil.
She also needs steroids, no ifs, ands or buts about that.

What is she on now?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: she died the same night. i took her to the vet two days in a row but the antibiotics didnt kick in. i just wondered how the ear infection caused her to have such difficulty breathing. i was with her all day sunday and i hoped she would get better but towards the end of the night she was having such a difficulty breathing and everytime i moved just a little bit with her on me she squealed. i had to put her to sleep because i could not bear watching her suffer anymore. i just didnt understand how she got so bad becuase the vets only identified the ear infection, nothing else.but thank you for the info. i do have 3 other female rats and read about spaying them. is that a surgery?

I am very sorry for your loss.

I hope your heart heals fast.

As for spaying, yes it is surgery. It is an invasive surgical procedure that removes the female reproductive organs. Doing this at a young age will prevent the growth and development of mammary tumors by up to 80%.

Not spaying  gives the female that remains intact up to an 70% to 80% chance they will develop some condition involving the female organs, from uterine infections or tumors to mammary tumors  too.

Only  a skilled surgeon should do this surgery and should be an exotic vet that is board certified.