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rat dwarfism

21 16:50:29

babies and siblings
babies and siblings  
Hi, I was wondering if you knew anything about dwarfism in rats? My mum's rat had a litter and they are nearly 4 weeks old now, eating and running around. But 2 of her babies have remained small, looking a lot like hamsters. The babies still like to play, but obviously not as strong as their siblings. I've decided to wait when the babies can be weaned and then take them in and care for them myself since I'll have a lot of time for them. I'd like to know if there is anything I can give the babies since they will obviously need special care, such as any special food to help them grow and stay strong and healthy. My mum says they may not live as long as rats normally would but I would like to give them a good life for as long as they're alive.

Hi Shauna,
I adopted a girl a while back who was a dwarf, and a friend of mine kept her brother, also a dwarf. I don't think there is anything special you can do for them, other than love them. My girl lived to 2 years, which is basically normal, but I think the boy died a little younger than that. If you try to supplement their diet, they can tend to get fat, so just give them a normal diet. Watch their teeth to make sure they aren't crooked. The little boy had that problem, but not the girl.